
Terror in Emmerdale as two young children disappear

Billy and Dawn Fletcher face each other as they talk at Holdgate in Emmerdale
Dawn makes a worrying discovery (Picture: ITV)

Billy Fletcher’s (Jay Kontzle) involvement in the world of underground boxing leads to huge danger for his children Clemmie and Lucas in upcoming Emmerdale episodes.

Billy has been getting into illegal boxing fights as a way of earning a lot of money quickly. He’s mentored by a lady called Jade (Twinnie-Lee Moore) who organises the competitions, but also knows troublesome men should Billy ever debate backing out of her deals.

‘I think she’s ambiguous. I think the fact that Billy doesn’t know too much about her and she keeps turning up with heavies every now and again, he knows he’s in over his head a little bit’, actor Jay Kontzle explained.

‘She’s obviously got something really scary about her that Billy wouldn’t want to cross. He doesn’t want that to fall back on his family. He’s obviously got history, in episodes we’ve done before, with other characters that have tested his family in the past. He knows that it could be telling for the family if he doesn’t do what Jade’s asking. He does fear for the family when he’s around her, definitely.’

Jade speaks to Billy Fletcher with her hand on her hip at Holdgate in Emmerdale
He’s losing control (Picture: ITV)

Coming up, newly returned Ross Barton (Michael Parr) is threatened by Jade into agreeing to a rematch fight with Billy.

To twist the knife in, Jade makes her way up to Holdgate and has tea with Dawn Taylor (Olivia Bromley), who has no idea who she really is.

Realising Jade is threatening his family, Billy prepares to fight again.

Feeling apprehensive, he later approaches Ross and discusses how he really doesn’t want a rematch. Ross reminds him of Jade’s threats against both of their families and the next day, Billy realises just how low Jade can sink when Dawn frantically tells him that Clemmie and Lucas are missing.

Without any choice, Billy admits that Jade might have something to do with it…

Reflecting on the lies Billy has told Dawn so far, Jay said: ‘I think subconsciously it is massively difficult for Billy to hold this back and not say anything, because realistically how long can it go on for? He’s obviously going to get injured at some point and it’s going to be visible.

‘How long are you going to hold off these injuries before she’s going to clue in to what’s actually happening? There’s only so many times that you can say it’s a boxercise injury before it starts looking quite serious. It is really difficult and obviously it’s a profession that’s a risk to life as well.

He added: ‘All the stuff that’s going on with their children, especially with Evan, it’s not something that Dawn’s going to want to deal with, especially when it’s something that’s in Billy’s control and it’s his decision.

‘He is concerned, but at the moment it’s not just a financial thing, it’s more for him to free up his mind and make himself feel better.’


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