Doctor Who

Doctor Who The Black Guardian RENAMED “The Guardian Of Chaos” Amid Fears Of Causing Offense?

RTD has been altering Legacy characters ever since he returned first it was Davos whose life support system is now apparently offensive despite in his first era lumic being shown in a life support system and Max Capricorn in a similar setup then it was suggested that the celestial toy maker is problematic then suech and now the black Guardian a few days ago I learned that Forbidden Planet is set to release new merchandise celebrating the black Guardian in January 2025 as you can see pre-orders are available for t-shirts coasters the whole lot but if you look closely they’re labeled the guardian of chaos rather than the black Guardian I decided to reach out to a friend who often has Insider information about Doctor Who and he mentioned though this is just his perspective that the change might stem from concerns that people could misinterpret the character’s name the fear is that some might infer a racial component I’ve never seen anyone draw that conclusion but if anyone has I’d be interested to hear why however as I said this is just what someone with inside
knowledge shared with me perhaps he is mistaken I’ll play Devil’s Advocate and consider another possible explanation since the character features in the black Guardian Trilogy it would be difficult to justify such a significant name change still with some members of the pantheon of Discord appearing in the latest season it’s possible Russell is trying to use this framework to bring in the black Guardian in this era Maestro is the god of music and suek is called the god of death maybe Russell wants to position the black Guardian as the
guardian of chaos based on the fact that he exists to bring chaos and as he has been referred to in a piece of expanded material this could explain why the title is highlighted on this merchandise if that’s the case it suggests the black Guardian May indeed be returning to the show as for whether he will return I can’t say for sure even though Russell insists that everything in this era is fresh and newcomers don’t need prior knowledge we’ve already seen the celestial toy maker suek references to Susan and other elements that are
pivotal to past Doctor Who material so he certainly could return given the black Guardians Godlike Powers the team could easily cast any actor for the role as he has been shown in multiple forms before the whole situation feels strange while the character is called the guardian of Chaos in an obscure piece of expanded material I doubt many fans are familiar with it this merchandise range is supposed to celebrate 50 years of Tom Baker as the fourth doctor clearly aimed at appealing to classic Who fans so it feels like he should simply be named the
black Guardian but if my source is right and it’s because they feel the name is problematic then the guardian of chaos does make sense personally I don’t believe any rights issues are at play I covered some cases of that in the previous video so the only logical explanation appears to be that they see the original name as controversial which in my opinion is absolute nonsense tell me what you think about all of this in the comments section down below don’t forget to like share and subscribe and I will see you in the next video take care

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