
Emmerdale legends may be the key to Tom’s downfall

Lydia speaks to Amelia at Wishing Well in Emmerdale
Lydia is trying to breakthrough to Amelia (Picture: ITV)

The King family could soon be working with the Dingles to bring one of their own down – as Tom’s (James Chase) abuse of wife Belle (Eden Taylor-Draper) is on the brink of exposure.

The Dingles have known for months about Tom’s violent, abusive and controlling behaviour.

Belle was eventually able to escape from him and turned to Charity for help.He then turned his attentions to Amelia – mainly as a way to get at Belle.

Despite warnings from the worried Dingles, Amelia has refused to believe them and instead has fallen prey to Tom’s flattery and lies. She believes that he is the wronged party – but in upcoming scenes will see a change in his behaviour.

Tom King looks deep in thought at Dale Head in Emmerdale
Tom has used Amelia to try and get at Belle (Picture: ITV)

For Lydia (Karen Blick) and Sam (James Hooton), there’s an even greater worry. Amelia is the mother of their granddaughter, Esther, and they’re terrified by the idea that Tom will be in Esther’s life.

Amelia has been pushing away everyone who has tried to intervene in her relationship with Tom, but has relented a little bit with Sam and Lydia because of their relationship to Esther.

Lydia knew that this washer chance to try to get through to Amelia.

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Jimmy and Nicola King sit on a sofa as they talk in the King household in Emmerdale
Nicola has her own concerns (Picture: ITV)
Nicola King speaks to Carl Holliday in their home in Emmerdale
Carl is terrified of Tom (Picture: ITV)

Elsewhere, Tom’s auntie Nicola (Nicola Wheeler) noticed her step-son Carl behaving unusually, unaware that he had been threatened.

Carl (Charlie Joyce) was in possession of Tom’s tablet, which contained incriminating evidence to prove that he had been using it to spy on Belle.

When the police came calling, Tom subsequently terrified the schoolboy into handing it over, threatening him with the prospect of jail time.

In a bid to get to the bottom of what was going on, Nicola sat Carl down and quizzed him on the matter. Tom subsequently received both barrels from the matriarch, who demanded to know why he terrorised Carl if he had nothing to hide.

Tom revealed that he had footage of Belle from his hidden camera on the tablet, which he claimed he only installed to keep an eye on her as he was worried about her mental health.

Whilst Jimmy (Nick Miles) believed him, Nicola wasn’t convinced and said she wouldn’t allow him to manipulate and bully her.

She later took Carl to the police station, and Tom was arrested. The broken tablet was kept whilst investigations continued, though he was released.

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