
Reunited Emmerdale couple hide their passion – as someone will get hurt

Liam Cavanagh and Chas Dingle talk over the bar in Emmerdale, leaning towards each other
It’s not going to be easy (Picture: ITV)

Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) and Liam Cavanagh (Jonny McPherson) have finally admitted their love for each other in Emmerdale, but it’s at the expense of poor Ella Forster (Paula Lane).

Liam is pretty much the worst, a walking red flag. He’s dangled the carrot of love and stability in front of Ella – while also having treated her absolutely abhorrently. Him dumping her may just be the best thing to happen her.

They’ve been on a rollercoaster, having somehow survived the whole child murder thing, and Liam accusing her of faking her pregnancy. Liam has put her through the ringer only to cheat on her with Chas.

Is it a total shock for her though? The red flags have been visible for a while. It wasn’t a great sign when she mocked him for his favourite pastime of attending murder mystery evenings.

Chas Dingle, Ella Forster and Liam Cavanagh stand in Tenants in Emmerdale
Liam hasn’t been honest about his feelings (Picture: ITV)

A couple who shares no similar interests is destined to fizzle.

Alarm bells also sounded when Liam kept any time spent with Chas to himself, even if it was innocent. His guilt spoke volumes.

Liam finally decided to do the right thing and end things with Ella to explore his feelings for Chas. But understandably, after everything he’s put her through and all the hoops he’s made her jump, she did not take it well.

Despite Liam’s carryings on, he does have a bit of a conscience and a heart.

Seeing what his new relationship is doing to Ella, he and Chas make the tough decision to keep their exciting relationship a secret.

But all it takes is one slip up and Ella will know. How will Ella – a one-time murderer – react to Liam’s devastatingly hurtful lies?


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